Econintersect: Click Read more >> below graphic to see today’s list.
The top of today’s reading list describes why Too Big to Fail is stronger than ever…….. and the last article says everything (not just stocks) is overvalued.
- No Lehman Moments as Biggest Banks Deemed Too Big to Fail (Bob Ivry, Bloomberg)
- The Coal Baron’s Downfall (Laurence Leamer, The Daily Beast)
- The Limits of Governing Budgetary Policies by Rules (Daniela Scharzer, Triple Crisis) Hat tip to Naked Capitalism.
- Robert Skidelsky vs. Niall Ferguson: John Maynard Keynes Is Not Ke$ha (Also, the U.S. Is Not Greece, and 2013 Is Not 1923) (Brad DeLong)
- A Few Words About Alan Abelson (Barry Ritholtz, The Big Picture)
- ‘Modern Portfolio Theory Is Dead’: Sierra’s David Wright (John Sullivan, AdvisorOne)
- Thermal invisibility cloak in first demonstration (BBC News) Last week we had an item about an optical invisibility cloak. Now this. What’s next? A knowledge invisibility cloak? Oh, wait – that has been around for a long time.
- How are humans going to become extinct? (Sean Coughlin, BBC News) Hat tip to Barry Ritholtz, The Big Picture)
- Surprise Winner in Thomas Friedman Porn-Title Contest (Matt Taibbi, Taibblog, RollingStone) Hat tip to Naked Capitalism.
- It’s not just stocks; everything is overvalued (Rex Nutting, MarketWatch)