Econintersect: This editor took a 6 1/2 mile stroll through some Piedmont North Carolina woods and along a section of the Neuse River Greenway section of the Mountain to Sea Trail before dinner Saterday and then came home to view a scene from an old haunt last visited more than 10 years ago. The view below is a section of a John Heilman II photograph taken within the past week in the soft light of sunrise from a spot my wife and I have stood on ourselves.
I wore a T-shirt with weathered blue jeans and lathered up a little on my walk in North Carolina yesterday. When I viewed this wonderful shot by Heilman, I remembered that I would have needed my snowshoes, crampons and warmer clothing for a similar “stroll” in the High Peaks.
For reference, the camera location is at about 2,000 feet elevation on the shore of a wilderness pond (Copperas) only about a mile or so hike in from the road. The peak in the center background (about five miles distant) is Whiteface Mountain (about 4,600 feet).
For a view of the full picture and the photographer’s comments and technicals, go to Adirondack Almanack.