Econintersect: Click Read more >> below graphic to see today’s list.
The top of today’s reading list has an analysis that indicates slow economic growth causes high debt, not the other way around, a widely held inference from the work of Reinhart and Rogoff …….. and the last article discusses two new DNA research services available to the public.
- Guest Post: Reinhart/Rogoff and Growth in a Time Before Debt (Arindrajit Dube, Next New Deal) Another nail in the coffin that high debt slowing growth has a tipping point. In fact the data indicates that the causation is the other way around: slow growth causes higher debt.
- How to Save Windows 8 (Information Week) Slide show.
- Crude censorship on Arkansas oil spill story (Samuel Knight, Washington Monthly) Hat tip to Roger Erickson.
- Gold: A Bright Shining Lie? (John Overstreet, Seeking Alpha) Hat tip to Bob Millman.
- Two Promising Places to Live, 1,200 Light-Years From Earth (Dennis Overbye, The New York Times)
- The Outskirts of Hope: How Ohio’s Debtors’ Prisons Are Ruining Lives and Costing Communities (ACLU) Hat tip to Roger Erickson.
- Dutch unemployment surges as house prices fall (Leith van Onselen, Macro Business)
- Pres Obama Signs Bill Killing Anti-Corruption, Pro-Transparency STOCK Act Provisions (aguadito, Daily Kos) Hat tip to Roger Erickson. We wish this was a joke.
- A Closer Look at Investors’ Cognitive Biases (Michael M. Pompian, Morningstar Advisor)
- Finding My Inner Neandertal (Kate Wong, Scientific American)