Econintersect: Click Read more >> below graphic to see today’s list.
The top of today’s reading list has a description of the stages of an economic bubble …….. and the last article tells about the Cyprus banking version of Watergate tapes.
- Stages of a Bubble (The Geography of Transport Systems) See GEI News reports on Bitcoins. What stage is the Bitcoin mania? Media attention? Enthusiasm?
- Unusually Large Trove of Data Leaked About Offshore Tax Havens – What Might Coincidence Mean? (Roger Erickson, Mike Norman Economics, 05 April 2023) Roger Erickson is a Global Economic Intersection contributor. See also GEI News.
- Japan’s New Stimulus May Trigger Yen Avalanche, Soros Says (Bei Hu, Bloomberg, 05 April 2013)
- Should we expect another war in Korea? (Fabius Maximus, 05 April 2013) Fabius Maximus is a Global Economic Intersection contributor.
- North Korea’s Six Trillion Dollar Question (Scott Thomas Bruce, The Diplomat, 30 August 2012) Hat tip to Russ Huntley.
- Koo: Currency Markets Are Misinterpreting the Impact of QE (Cullen Roche, Pragmatic Capitalism)
- Money should be printed for populations, not banks! (Paul Frijters, Club Troppo, 04 April 2013)
- If Britain is ‘broke’, it has been for most of the last 300 years (Tom Clark and Howard Reed, The Guardian, 04 April 2013)
- QE Forever? (Yves Smith, Naked Capitalism) Yves Smith has contributed to Global Economic Intersection.
- ‘Mass deletion of data’ on former BoC execs’ computers (George Psyllides, Cyprus Mail, 05 April 2013) Hat tip to Dan Flemming and Zero Hedge. Cyprus version of Watergate tapes?