Econintersect: Click Read more >> below graphic to see today’s list.
The top of today’s reading list has two articles revisiting the Iraq war decisions …….. and the last article is about capital requirements for EU banks to meet Basel III.
- Iraq: 10 Years After, Have We Learned a Thing? (Michael S. Lofgren, Huffington Post)
- The Last Letter (Tomas Young, truthdig) A Message to George W. Bush and Dick Cheney From a Dying Veteran.
- Some thoughts on German politics and the saver’s tax in Cyprus (Edward Harrison, Credit Writedowns)
- The EU Needs a Bill Seidman to Save It from Itself: Cyprus and the “Reverse Toaster Theory” (William K. Black, New Economic perspectives) Bill Black is a Global Economic Intersection contributor.
- Starting with one mouse, scientists create 581 successive clones (Brian Dodson, gizmag)
- 5 Ways Advisors Can Help Clients Slash Health Care Costs (Financial Planning)
- Lost Brook Dispatches: The Incredible Story of Charles Brodhead, Surveyor (Pete Nelson, Adirondack Almanack)
- Fed Maintains $85 Billion Pace of Monthly Asset Purchases (Jeff Kearns and Joshua Zumbrum, Bloomberg) Hat tip to Roger Erickson who asks: Why doesn’t the Fed buy “FICA Backed” securities to bail out Main Street? See also GEI News article on this topic.
- From Smoldering Ashes Comes Good News of Reality (Mike Shedlock, Mish’s Global Economic Trend Analysis) Mish sees a sliver lining in Cyprus. Hat tip to Doug Short Advisor Perspectives
- Banks need €200b of new capital to meet Basel III (Leith van Onselen, Macro Business)