Econintersect: Click Read more >> below graphic to see today’s list.
The top of today’s reading list has five articles on the Cyprus crisis…….. and the last article discusses how financial sector data can be used to predict the real economy.
- Cyprus: Risking The European Ship For Ten Euros Of Tar (Andrew Watt, Social Europe Journal) Hat tip to Sanjeev Kulkarni.
- Cyprus crisis will soon blow over (Mark Hulburt,18 March 2013) Commentary: John Dessauer says that crisis is overblown.
- The Cyprus File – Why it Matters, Even to Americans! (Satyajit Das, The Big Picture)
- BUITER: The Cyprus Deal Is The Best Thing That’s Happened To Europe In Years (Matthew Boesler, Business Insider)
- A much better alternative for Cyprus (Felix Salmon) Hat tip to Hilary Barnes.
- China’s Next Stop (Frank Holmes, Frank Talk, 18 March 2013) Frank Holmes has contributed to Global Economic Intersection.
- Regs Investigate Whether High-Frequency Traders Are Distorting Markets (Melanie Rodier, Wall Street & Technology, 18 March 2013)
- Alicia Munnell: Ban Actively Managed Funds From 401(k)s, IRAs (John Sullivan, AdvisorOne)
- Recruiting Challange: Acute Shortage of Top Advisors (Charles Paikert, Financial Planning)
- Financial sector data can help predict real economy – BIS (Central Bank News) Peter Nielsen of Central Bank News is a Global Economic Intersection contributor.