Econintersect: Click Read more >> below graphic to see today’s list.
The top of today’s reading list has two articles about the sucess an anti-American regime is having in Equador …… and the last article describes the financial prison that can come from using credit cards.
- Correa’s and Ecuador’s Success drive The Economist Nuts (William K. Black, New Economic Perspectives, 13 February 2013) Bill Black is a contributor to Global Economic Intersection.
- Let’s play fantasy economics. Things could really get better (Andrew Simms, The Guardian, 17 February 2013) Hat tip to Roger Erickson.
- Persickety followups on inequality and demand (Steve Randy Waldman, Interfluidity) Good follow-up to this article.
- Are America’s Generals Becoming Morally Bankrupt? (War News Updates) Hat tip to Lynn Wheeler.
- How Wall Street Sleaze Led to Roosevelt’s Famed Corollary (Cyrus Veeser, Bloomberg)
- The Long Mistake – and making enough mistakes to correct it (Roger Erickson, Mike Norman Economics) Roger is a contributor to Global Economic Intersection.
- The inside story of Aaron Swartz’s campaign to liberate court filings (Timothy B. Lee, Law & Disorder, ars technica) The inside story of Aaron Swartz’s campaign to liberate court filings and how his allies are trying to finish the job by tearing down a big paywall. Why should the public have to pay for electronic public records?
- Inland Empire: Starting to Recover (Bill McBride, Calculated Risk)
- America faces more than a dozen deadlines, all caused by billionaires and wealth transfer (Gaius Publius, America Blog) Hat tip to Lambert Strether, Naked Capitalism.
- Compound Interest and Consumer Debt (Bankers Anonymous) If you use credit cards you must read this!