Econintersect: Click Read more >> below graphic to see today’s list.
The top of today’s reading list starts with a description of how high leverage for banks supports very high executive bonuses and hurts just about everybody else (stockholders, employees, the financial system, the general public, etc) ……… and the last story discusses the multi-year correlation between the price of Brent crude and the S&P 500.
- The people versus the bankers (M. C. K., The Economist)
- Dow 17,000? Main Street lambs led to the slaughter (Paul B. Farrell, MarketWatch)
- Prosecuting the Messenger: Chief Greek Statistician Threatened with Jail (Georgios Christidis, Spiegel Online) Hat tip to Naked Capitalism.
- Why John Bogle is Dead Wrong about ETFs (Ron DeLegge, ETFguide, Yahoo Finance)
- Ten Mind-Bending Facts about Black Holes (MSN Wonder)
- The Outside Story: Lake Champlain Burbot (Matt Crawfor, Adirondack Almanack)
- Is the SEC a Tool of Wall Street? You Got That “White” (Shah Gilani, Wall Street Insights & Indictments) Shah Gilani is ab occasional contributor to Global Economic Intersection.
- To stay with a long term gold trend requires true grit (readtheticker blog)
- Out of Bonds and into Stocks? (Dominic Cimino, Advisor Perspectives,
- The S&P 500 and Brent Oil are basically the Same Market (EconMatters) Econmatters is a frequent contributor to Global Economic Intersection.