Econintersect: Click Read more >> below graphic to see today’s list.
The top of today’s reading list is an article and further links about the head of UK’s Financial Services Authority supporting issuance of debt-free money ……… and the last article is by Marshall Auerback, calling for the banning of the credit rating agency companies.
- A breakthrough speech on monetary policy (Anatole Kaletsky, Reuters) A truly historic moment in monetary history. Read more at GEI News and GEI Opinion.
- Is a bond bear rush coming? (Anthony Lazzara, Futures)
- Jim Rogers and His Case for the Asian Century (Jeffrey Tucker, Laissez Faire Club)
- Managing the Real Fiscal Balance, Between Bureaucracy and Autocatalysis (Roger Erickson, Mike Norman Economics)
- Destructive Destruction? An Ecological Study of High Frequency Trading (Inigo Wilkins and Bogdan Dragos, HFT Review) Hat tip to Roger Erickson.
- 2 Years in Jail for Sitting on a Milk Crate? The Shocking Ways America Punishes Poor People Living on the Street (Hard Times, USA) (Tana Ganeva, AlterNet)
- Farmer’s use of genetically modified soybeans grows into Supreme Court case (Robert Barnes, The Washington Post) This story is about Roundup® resistant seeds developed by Monsanto. GEI News had several stories about Roundup® in 2011. Hat tip to Roger Erickson.
- Quelle Surprise! New York Times Takes Up Empty Threats by Rich Over Taxes (Yves Smith, Naked Capitalism)
- Lost Brook Dispatches: Surveying, Out of Sight (Pete Nelson, The Adirondack Almanack) Very interesting history of surveying.
- Credit Ratings Agencies Are Pimps of Wall Street: It’s Time to Ban Them! (Marshall Auerback, AlterNet) Marshall Auerback is an occassional contributor to Global Economic Intersection.