Econintersect: The Institute for Advanced Development Studies (INESAD) in La Paz, Bolivia is a think tank focused on macroeconomics, regional economics, environmental economics and the economics of wellbeing. A number of their articles have been posted at Global Economic Intersection.
INESAD has been named by the University of Pennsylvania as one of the top environmental issues institutions in the world. They were also highly ranked in the other fields in which they specialize.
Here is the press release from INESAD:
La Paz, 11 February 2013—The Institute for Advanced Development Studies (INESAD), an economic and environmental not-for-profit research institute in La Paz, Bolivia, has made an impression on the world think tank stage. In a recent international survey by the University of Pennsylvania (UPenn) of more than 6,500 think tanks, INESAD ranked number one in Bolivia, came in in the top six percent in Latin America and the Caribbean, and finished in the very top percentile of all institutions worldwide on environmental issues. 1,950 scholars, public and private donors, policy makers, and journalists helped rank all the surveyed think tanks using a set of 18 criteria developed by UPenn’s Think Tanks and Civil Society Program (TTCSP) and ranked them into a Global Go To Think Tank Index.
“We are honored to be recognized at the international level. These rankings are a testament to the high quality of work that INESAD researchers carry out, both domestically and internationally, and the increasing impact it has on the policy level,” said Ioulia Fenton, INESAD’s head of communications and outreach.
INESAD works closely with the Bolivian government on environmental and climate change issues in the country. It also engages with specialist and lay audiences in both Spanish and English through its research blogs Dessarollo Sobre La Mesa and Development Roast.
The institute was established in 2008 and has grown in recent years by participating in the Think Tank Initiative, a multi-donor program implemented by Canada’s International Development Research Centre (IDRC) that is dedicated to strengthening independent policy research institutions in developing countries.
The full TTCSP 2012 report is available for download here.
Posts by INESAD at Global Economic Intersection: Analysis Blog and Opinion Blog.